Back again
I have been a little busy lately and haven't had time to post, so here's another catch up session..
Friday: DD and I went to our usual knitting mtg at the B&N. There was a brand new knitter there. DD was pretty content to eat her lunch while I talked and tried to knit (in between feeding DD). I paused for a few minutes to help the newbie knitter, DD decided to take her sippy cup and drink large gulps of water and let it drool out of her mouth. She did that for the entire contents of the cup--she was soaked in a matter of minutes. Good thing I still had a spare set of PJ's in her diaper bag and I had to change her there and head back home. So much for trying to get her birthday invitations.
That night we headed to my SIL's house for dinner and playing mah jongg with our nieces. It was almost a complete shutout for my husband, the girls and I won most of the games. I think it's fair to say we are all addicted to this game now--good thing we aren't betting for real money...
Saturday: My parents and sister and her boyfriend came down for a visit. I cooked everyone a big breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, taylor ham, and french toast. We were all stuffed after that, and DD decided to take a nice long 1 1/2 hour nap. It was nice to get caught up. DD showed off all her new tricks for everyone. My mom brought her new clothes, as usual, lol. After they went home we took DD to the park in our development and she went on the baby swing. Boy did she like that this time--big grins, shrieking with laughter and kicking her feet the whole time. After that, we had a nice family nap. It was a nice quiet evening of dinner and playtime and bed for us all.
Sunday: I taught a beginners knitting class at my lys. Had three students, a mom, daughter and father. It went pleasant enough. On the way home I returned a huge bag of jarred baby food that DD now refuses to eat. I tried to find a few more things she could try. I also stopped by the chinese grocery store to buy some tofu and some noodles (DD's new favorite finger food). DH cooked dinner (hooray!) and I made some homemade food for DD and she ate it--tofu, noodles, brocoli, chicken and chicken broth. I personally would not have eaten it, but she seemed to like it.
Monday: Went out to lunch with an old friend from work (the NICU I used to work in several years ago). We had a good time, but had to cut it short because she had some back pain (leftover from shovelling snow--another reason to move to someplace warm). DD passed out in the car on the way home (even after a 2 1/2 hour morning nap!), so I took advantage of that and decided to keep on driving to the strip mall that has several stores I needed to go to. DD got a nice second nap in and was in a good mood for me to check out the invitations at the Hallmark store. I didn't like any of those, so went to Michael's to buy more of the invitations to print out at home. We also picked up a matt to put in the bottom of the bathtub for DD, now that she doesn't fit in her baby bathtub any more, she loves to take her baths in the big bathtub with all her toys. Also got a few things for her Easter basket.
My friend that had her baby two weeks ago called last night in a panic. Her baby spit up three times and it totally shook her. She's having such a hard time with breastfeeding and the baby just won't latch on at all. She's having to do the same thing I went through with DD which is the ridiculous pumping schedule, take herbs to boost supply, etc, etc. She's completely overwhelmed and I totally understand. I hope it works out for her, but I have my doubts that it will. It's too similar to our situation. I calmed her down and got her to agree to call her OB about the lactation consultants advice on taking the herbs, and to call her pediatrician to let him know about the baby spitting up. Hopefully it was just something she ate that upset the baby's tummy and all will go back to normal today. I totally feel her pain, though, and wanted to cry right along with her last night. Those first few months are so hard, I don't think anyone can really prepare you for how difficult it is. I had her promise me she would call with an update today--want to make sure she isn't developing PPD.
After that 2 hour long conversation )long distance from Florida no less!), I was a little wound up. I decided with only a few weeks until Easter, I had better get started on making the felted Easter basket kit Terri gave me for my baby shower last year. It's going quickly, as I knew it would. It should look really cute when it's done. I will try to take pictures and get it up on here later. Well, DD is in for a long nap it seems, I'm going to run and take a shower and get a few things done. So long for now!
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