I have seen this done on other blogs, so I figured it's a good way to get rid of some of my unused sock yarn and to get more hits on my blog (ahh, the plot thickens...) Anyway, I am willing to give away some of my sock yarns to people who leave a comment on this post as to their list of UFO's and USO's and TOADS (I posted on that yesterday--see "I am a little bit embarrassed..."). I am looking for the most ingenuous way of either describing them or displaying them--humor and cleverness count here. Be creative!! You can have your buddies vote for you and I will take the votes into consideration when I present the awards. Have fun with this--I know I hope to.....
I see you!
So go ahead and join the competition! I know you want to.....
HI Kim,
I am in awe of your unfinished objects list. I haven't got that much:
1 - Zoe's striped sweater;
2 - Zoe's cabled denim sweater;
3 - Zoe's blanket for her bed;
4 - My blanket for my bed;
5 - The baby blanket I'm in the middle of;
6 - The baby sweater that needs to be sewn together;
And for the USOs,
1 - a sweater for my nephew;
2 - a sweater for my best friend;
3 - a sweater for me;
4 - a sweater for my friend's fiance;
5 - a blanket for me made from knitted squares;
6 - a lady eleanor for me...
I have no TOADS... just items in waiting... and things I have yarn for but no projects in mind yet, and things I bought yarn for before I knew how to gauge how much I needed and now know I don't have enough yarn for; but I have literally walls of wool in my bedroom and I do live in hope...
Does this count? Sorry if I'm not creative enough in my explanations... I leave the creativity for my writing and my knitting... you have inspired me, though, to upload some photos and work on my blog again... I don't think I've added to that since January... maybe by the end of the week when I get done doing wedding invitations for me friends?????
Thanks Deb! Wow, that Zoe sure is a lucky girl. If you think you are in awe of my UFO's, believe me when I tell you I am overwhelmed by it. I start something just for the fun of it and then never finish it off. Anyway, thanks for the post, and seeing as you are the only contestant so far, your odds are looking damn good! LOL
I am also shocked at your UFO list! I only have 2!
1. A pair of self-striping socks that I am working on.
2. A crocheted halters in Endless Sonata (purples) from Elann.com
As far as TOADs
1. My Soeil- the yarn is just NOT right for the pattern so it's to the frog pond!
2. A Clapotis in a UGLY Pink and Orange acrylic! YUCK I REALLY do not like the feel so I am donating it to my daughter ;o)
None at this time BUT I HAVE been looking at a lace top lately ;o)
Hi Kim! I'm also a Kim....recently became a SAHM after 13 years in the ministry! (I'm on a one year leave of absence.) I'm also an avid knitter, photography nut and scrapbooker! Good to meet you!
This is a great idea (the contest).....I never had any hits to my blog so I erased it. Guess I gave in too easily!
Let's see.....UFO's:
1. Pair of Mock Croc socks on dpns (actually sock #2 of the pair) Using Sockotta yarn for these.
2. Pair of simple socks out of Lorna's Laces on 2 circs (2 socks at once)
3. Afghan for my sister for Christmas I'm trying to do Aran blocks....not getting real far.
Well, that's it for now! Have fun with this.....and I think there's always room in your stash for more yarn!!
Kim in Iowa
Ah, I can see some *serious* competition here. {g} First of all, can I use my own acronyms? What you call a UFO or a WIP is what I call a PIP (Project In Progress) and a USO is a PPIP (Potential Project in Progress).
OK, PIPs on the needles are:
1) a cardigan with a circular cable yoke in cranberry LoveKnit - a slightly heavier than worsted acrylic that KMart used to sell. I'm not sure that I have enough, so it's been sitting while I try to decide if I'm going to frog it or keep going and use a contrasting color on the cuffs and bottom ribbing.
2) A Fair Isle vest for my mother that I have to sit down with the calculator and figure out the armhole & neck shaping. The body is complete up to the armholes.
3) The Adamas lace shawl from KnitPicks - it's progressing very very slowly as I have to pay attention to it as opposed to my usual sit & read while I'm knitting.
4) A pair of Sassy Stripes toe-up socks. I've been putting off going beyond the instep until I sit down and practice some short row heels.
5, 6 & 7) These are always changing as I knit a lot for charity, but there's usually a hat & a scarf for our local charities on the needles and (#7) a washcloth for the Cloths For Crisis group.
My PPIPs at the moment consist mainly of a large bin full of yarn to be turned into 5, 6 & 7 above and maybe a shawl or two for the nursing home. Lap robes will wait until the weather cools down in the fall as it's too hot to have that much yarn in my lap right now.
TOADs (I love that one) are:
1) A neon green vest that my Mother said that she wanted and then changed her mind. It will take a trip to the frog pond and eventually turn into something for my grand-daughter.
2) An Aran style sweater that I started for DD and then decided that the style wouldn't look good on her. This was originally meant to compensate her for an Aran cardigan I started when she was 2 years old and never finished. Something tells me that history is going to repeat itself three and a half decades later.
Five unfinished objects here:
1) Fixation footies that I am very disappointed in
2) Opal Zebra socks for my big footed daughter
3) Redbird Knits entrelac socks: one sock almost done, but with all the frogging I have done I have knit it 3 times.
4) Redbird Knits lace sock knit with cotton yarn.. Her patterns I great. I get them to learn and stretch my abilities.
5) Shopping bag knit from plastic grocery bags cut in strips.
Well, I can top you if not in numbers at least in the age of the unfinished projects. The oldest unfinished object is a 7/8 ths finished debbie Bliss baby sweater started for my daughter (she is now 10) so the project is almost 10. My my all time hall of shame UFO is the debbie bliss teddy bear one piece that I started for a dear friend's son (now turning 7) that I stopped because of neurapathy in my hands. I dragged it out 3 years ago and worked on it when pregnant with my son, completed all the knitting and 99/100 ths of the finishing and stopped. Even my Masters of Social Work and 15 years experience as a therapist cannot help me understand this.
My list is much shorter today than it would have been a month ago. I have been working diligently on finishing some of my UFOs this summer!
1. Mamluke Socks
2. Oriel Socks
3. Dale bunting
4. Flowerbasket shawl
5. Wonderful Wallaby for charity
1. Samus cardigan
My UFO (only 1, if you can believe that! LOL!) is an aran sweater for DH. It's one I found in a book I got on sale at Annie's Attic, but because of DH's larger-than-life size I had to modify the pattern to fit him. Hence, the reason why it's a UFO.
My USO list is way, way longer.
1) An aran sweater for myself.
2) An afghan for our bed.
3) A night walker sweater for dear drooler.
4) Socks, socks, and more socks.....for DH and myself. I've already made two pair for myself, but had to use acrylic yarn for them....it's a case of yarn availability and $$. I haven't yet tackled a pair for DH, again, he is a bit larger-than-life, and wears a size 14 shoe, but hey, it's all kewl!
5) A couple smaller-than-bedsize afghans, for wrapping up in while watching tv on cooler winter nights.
6) A pair (or two) of fingerless gloves. They'd come in handy (pardon the pun!) for driving the school bus in winter.
7) An illusion scarf or two.
I can think of more, but you get my line of thinkinng......I see it, I want to do it, but well...there's only 24 hours to a day, darn it!
And guess what?? No TOADS here......yet! LOL!!!
Ok.. I can do this. do I have to limit myself to knitted projects? :)
1: maple leaf socks. I finished the first one this morning and started the second, they'll be finished before any of the rest of this stuff.
2: mata parrot socks.. that is.. mata hari socks in opal parrot. very odd lookin'. I'm workin' on the foot of the first one, but am not workin' on it at all right now because I'm knitting maple leaves. :)
3: ball band dishrag.. that's my current on fat needles/mindless knitting project, although I noticed this mornin' that both of it's needles are layin' in the floor by my project basket, which does not bode well for that dishrag, but I guess means that one of the cats has been havin' some fun.
4: mystery gigundo felting project.. I'm doin' this off the top of my head, it may be cool when it's done and it may be a mess.. but either way it's stalled right now because I need to felt the swatch so I can calculate how close it is to done, and also attempt to make it some pockets of useful size, placed in logical spots.. all of which need the math derived from the swatch to have a prayer of being successful!, but I don't want to felt *just* a swatch so it's waiting for me to finish..
5: fuzzy feet slippers.. one is finished, the other isn't. I should bump that a bit higher up on my to do list because not only is it holding up progress on the MGFP, it's also keeping me from finishing..
6: melanie's booga bag. this would be all the way finished except the kids declared the first i-cord "hideous" so I knitted it a new one, which is waiting, along with the MGFP swatch, for me to finish that fuzzy foot so I can felt 'em all at once. :)
that's all.
USO's.. for which I already have the yarn? that'd be socks. lots more socks. socks for me, and christmas socks for everybody else. :) and a cat felted cat bed.
I don't have any knitted toads.. well.. that's not true, I have 2 partial socks that are no longer wearing needles, that oughta qualify. :)
I also have an alphabet nursery sampler with 4 letters done, and a size 5 dress which is cut out and smocked but not assembled, for my daughter (she's 22) and an adorable crib quilt, pre-printed city scene on the front, school bus yellow flannel on the back, I'm quilting the landscape.. the roads and buildings and signs and animals and whatnot.. it's *really* cute, for my son (he's 19). :-D
there were more toads, I've been an occasional knitter for decades but just became obsessed in late january so I had baskets full of started and abandoned projects I'd long since lost the patterns for, but they finally disgusted me so much a couple months ago that I threw 'em all out..
Well I'm a bit anal when it comes to my projects, I dont really have UFOs. I DO have WIPS though. I may not work on them often but I *do* work on them. Let's see....
1. Flower Basket sweater. Its my oldest WIP, started in 12/05. I can only work on it when I have a brain since it has an elaborate (for me) pattern.
2. Poncho for DD.
3. Socks for CIC.
4. Socks for ME!
USO is a different story....... I went thru my yarn stash and decided to kit up my yarn and my projects so that I would know what went with what.....Yikes!! I have alot I want to do!!
1. TONS of socks!
2. Sweater for me.
3. Vest for DS
4. Sweater for DS
5. Jumper for DD
It doesnt sound like much but when you live in Florida and your winters are a month long, its alot of work for a few days wear....but therapy dont come cheap!
I only have one TOAD, its a sweater I started over 15 years ago. I pulled it out to finish it up but its a bit, um, smaller that I remember it being. Must have shrunk in the bag......
Okay, the official list:
KWIPs (knitting works in progress):
1. socks for me - one complete and one cuff done (this project is residing in the dresser in the dining room to make sure I see it every day).
2. child's vest for World Vision charity - only got one band to do and sew on 2 buttons. It was sitting on the dining table but the kids did some tidying up and I don't know where they put it!
3. vest for my 2.5 year old - back done, front almost done. I had planned on him wearing it to church 2 weeks ago !
3. Sweater for my 2.5 year old - cool variegated yarn in creams and browns. Not sure where that is either - it WAS on the dining table, then next to my bed, then in the loungeroom, but who knows now!
4. Wide scarf for me or my sister in Paton's Feathers wool. Revolting to knit with 'coz all the eyelash things get in the way of seeing the stitches.
5. Another Feather's scarf in browns for my mum's birthday in November. It sits on my dresser so I see it every day and hopefully get the motivation to finish it. Those pesky eyelashes poking out everywhere drive me nuts although the knitted fabric is kinda cool.
6. Dish cloth that I was working on last night but now I can't find it - I think it got covered by a load of washing that now needs to be folded. I'm hoping to find a surprise at the bottom of the pile so I can get the thing finished.
That's about it for the KWIPs. As for the QWIPS (quilting works in progress) - that's another story!
My UFO's include:
1. a Christmas tree skirt(emabressed to say I started this before LAST Christmas LOL)
2. a pair of 2 sock 1 circ socks(first pair trying to learn been working in them forever)
3. a sock I started on my 10" efg sock loom from DA
4. a baby blanket(the boats and cables one) from the knit along book to a shop on blossom street
5. a dishcloth
6. a prayer shawl
My USO objects include:
1. a second prayer shawl for another person.
2. 2 more baby blankets for a friends baby(who is already 2 mths old)
3. a lob cabin knitted afghan
4. some of the warsh cloths from MDK book for gifts.
5. a loomed afghan
As you can see I have stretched myself pretty far, I tried to make a deal with myself to not start any more projects till I get my UFOs doen but it is SOOOO hard LOL I think I am adhd when it comes to knitting, cause I never can stick to anything long LOL
Oh, sheesh, this could be bad! I'm doing this from memory as I'm afraid to even start the digging...
1. Knittybaby's heart blanket
2. Knittybaby's heirloom baby shawl (my Olympic project, ha!)
3. Little Man's vest (my own design and I'm stuck)
4. Socks for me
5. My Ann Budd raglan sweater
6. My Weekend Warrior (only needs the collar)
7. Color on Color scarf
8. Barbara Walker afghan
9.Charity hat for church
10. Headband
11. Knittybaby's garter stitch sweater
12. Knittybaby's diaper cover (just needs the finishing)
13. My first sock on 2 circs
Oh, that was just sad....and I had been feeling like I was getting caught up!
Let's see, I have a big problem with working on only a few projects at a time. I need a lace project going for when I want to spend hours faithfully following a chart with no TV and NOT after 9:30. It's amazing how at 11 pm you think you're doing quite well, following the chart completely, but the next morning when you look at your work it's one stitch off --- 18 rows back. That's when you feel like smacking yourself on the head and banning all late-night lace projects.
So, without any more further ado, here are my UFO's:
1. A ridiculously complicated, intensive aran block afghan. So far it's taken me about 6 hours to not even get halfway through the first block. But what can I say, it's a labor of love for my mother, who has gifted me with two bed-sized quilts over the years.
2. The forementioned lace monstrosity. Actually it's not a monstrosity, but it's my first lace project and as such, my first big follow the chart or die! project. Normally if I'm a stitch off, either in favor or missing one, in stockingette I just fudge it on the next row, increasing or decreasing to accomodate it. Unfortunately, lace has an evil tendency to look like you knitted it in the dark if you are even so much as one stitch off. Needless to say, lifelines have saved my butt several times. Of course, it doesn't help that when I first embarked upon this lace endeavor, I skipped tinny, small, medium, and large, and went straight up to unbelievably huge aka shawl. I've never been one to call myself sane.
3. Jaywalkers. I succumbed to the pretty pattern after I had practically seen them on every blog in existence. They have been slowly growing, I just turned the heel/picked up the gusset stitches/started the gusset decrease a couple days ago. It'll probably be another month before I finish the first sock. If you have question as to why, do see number 1 and number 2 on this list. Mystery solved.
4. Noni bag, the one with bobbles spewed all over the top. I'm not a flower person, but give me lots of random yet coordinating colors + lots of black and I'm sold. The ironic thing about this bag is that I knit the entire bottom, and half the sides in one night, yet it's still lying incomplete two weeks later because I just haven't picked it up.
5. The second sock of a green-yellow varigated pair. Need I say more?
6. A purse/bag that I made out of really interesting Madil yarn. Bag body is finished, but I need to add straps. Don't ask me why I haven't done that. I'll probably blame number one and two again; they seem to be taking up all my time.
7. 90 stitch wide, knit in the round Slytherin scarf from the HP movies. This was one of my first projects, and it still isn't finished. To be fair though, I'm making it about 7 feet long.
8. A cute shell made out of the grey/silver Cathay. Made in pieces, mostly stockingette. Inching along incredibly slowly. Silly person that I am, I decided that the way I learned to purl wasn't fast enough, so I learned a different way. Completely screwed up my tension. Decided this new way wasn't doing it for me either, so I learned a different way, completely screwing up my tension. On my shell, which I hope to actually wear, I am one of those (k)nitpickers who has to have perfect tension. It is only right now that my tension is evening out.
9. A scarf which has a little bit of a lacy pattern to it, but since I started on my shawl it does not qualify as lace in my mind. (you can memorize the pattern! I think that completely takes it out of the running)
Is that all I have going? ::Looks around crazily, waiting for UFO's to jump out and attack her:: I guess it is.
In sake of your blog space, which I have already taken up way too much of, I'm merely going to say that for USO's that I plan to make there are 26+ of them. If you really want a full listing, just ask, I'd be happy to point you to them! :D
As for TOADS, I have a few of those as well.
1. Crocheted baby blanket. I can't crochet.
2. The bag that turned into a blanket. It was going to be a felted bag, but I completely winged the cast-on, and didn't know that felted bags shrink more in height than they do in width. So my bag would have been a monstrosity. Henceforth, it was converted to a blanket. When it's done I'll just steek it up the side. That's how incredibly big it is. And of course, I knit it double stranded. Go me.
3. My first sock I ever made, on DPN's, with worsted weight. I decreased too quickly, and have never had the inclination to rip it out. I have better socks now.
Well, that's it!
Jane brought me here...hmmm...
1. Catharina Shawl...working on this for Amazing Lace KAL
2. Trekking XXL socks...for the Trek with Me KAL and KnitRed KAL on yahoo (I'm owner...)
3. numerous dishcloths (some lace) for Cloths for Crisis (also on yahoo, I co-own with Jane)
4. DD's baby blanket for #3 DGS
5. Lacy Prairie Shawl being knit for 2nd mom's mom in nursing home.
6. Diamond Fantasy Shawl for me.
I can't list how many I have yarn and patterns for...it's too many - But that's okay....Just listing this makes me feel some better...
What a cool blog, I'm adding you to my blogroll, okay? Come visit me?
I find if I don't count UFOs I won't know how many there are, so, ummm, apparently I have none!
Ok (deep breath) here goes...
UFO's are:
1. Granny Square afghan started 25 years ago for first niece. Didn't like the color combination (after 30 squares - duh) and just left it in the bag. Have recently used squares as demonstration pieces for crochet class I teach at our library.
2. Knitted ARAN blanket started 2 years ago for younger niece...love working on it but it takes about an hour a row and progress moves at a glacial pace. I PROMISED to finish it by Hanukkah this year.
3. Baby sweater all knitted, but needs to be sewn together. Will do that about an hour before I have to leave for the Christening it is for...I hate the sewing up part.
4. Socks that I have ripped back twice because I didn't like the way the toe part fit. I guess I didn't pay attention the first time.
5. Scarf for friend of the family. I made the mistake of asking "what is your favorite color?"...LAVENDER...I hate that color and hence hate working on it, but I will persevere because she will HAUNT me for it if I don't finish it.
Only 1 TOAD and I finally threw it out about a week ago...a sweater I had knitted for my nephew and it was way too short. I thought I could CUT the bottom and knit it down longer.........I should NEVER think things like that. It was a shredded mess...I cried...and then I threw it out.
My UFOs...
1. stripy Cardie for my second daughter
2. ribbed jumper for selling
3. cable and rib jumper for selling
4. another ribbed jumper for selling
5. toy aeroplane.
6. pair of socks for me
7. scarf for me
8. baby cardie for next doors unborn
9. another cardie for next doors unborn
10. baby cardie for selling
(there are probably more UFOs but cant think of any at the moment)
1. socks for my eldest daughter
2. socks for a friend
3. another jumper for second daughter
4. LOTS of baby socks for the lady I work for
5. baby cable jumper for lady I work for
6. baby cardigan for lady I work for
7 socks for friends two youngest sons.
8. baby jumpers/cardigan for chairty (I need to do these by end of August).
9. jumper for first born
10. more socks for me
Sheeeesh....I think I need to quit sleeping and start knitting more..
My unfinished object list:
A sweater in cotton for my daughter
A vest for my son.
(I must admit that I am constantly knitting socks at the moment - small projects work best in these hot temperatures)
Unfinished list: n Aran sweater for me, had the pattern about 15 years before finally getting the yarn..2 years now it has been almost up to the arm holes..baby blanket, parents were given a boy instead of the girl they expected, explain to the stork he is Not to change sex of baby After I start the baby gift. 4 pair of socks and only 1 pair is for me, none are older than 2 months yet. And quilt tops in process, 1 started before 1992, 1 that was started by my Mother, 1 I made and don't like, 1 for a friend I will get finished this summer, leftover blocks that I will put together once I decide what to put with them to make enough for a bed sized top...and then there is this old house I live in, nothing is finished, no room has all it's walls painted, but 3 out of 4 do have some paint on the walls, new windows are in laundry area waiting for install job in livingroom, insulation for under house is in livingroom, attic conversion is started but I need to work on wiring on end walls before I insulate, both wiring, boxes, outlets and insulation are here...oh, ya, there are 2 dolls weaters I am working on designing on the computer desk, not sure where my notes are now...we must be related somehow,
Hi there. I found your blogsite through Sockknitters. It's really funny. I had no idea what you were talking about USO, UFO and TOAD. I had to google each one of them.
USO - Unstarted Objects
UFO - Unfinished Objects
TOAD - Trashed Objects Abandoned in Disgust
And this is a great and coniving way to get people to visit your blog. I would do it too except for the fact that I have no stash yarn. I know, you're probably going to gasp in horror, but yep, I find it hard to even get a peice of scrap yarn, because I have none laying around. Read the post on my blog where I had to desperately use dental floss for a lifeline in my lace project!!!
Anyways, you asked for it, so here it goes.
1) Circular Shrug - Annie Modesitt, VK Fall 2005
- It's really gorgeous, but some people say it looks like a braided bathroom rug with 2 holes to put your arms through. Sizing seems to be really important in this project so it doesn't look like you're wearing a carpet. Commissioned work and the yarn is gorgeous.
2) Forbes Forest - Kathy Zimmermann, Scarf Style (SEE TOAD)
3) Lace Leaf Shawl - Evelyn Clark, Fibertrends - I really got lazy on this one. The the same ol shit leaves over and over and over agian. The more rows you go the bigger the shawl the more leaves I have to knit. So, it's in the closet right now.
1) I have yarn to start Ene's Shawl from Scarf Style. I made an oath to the knitting Gods that I will not start a new project until I finish one.
1) Forbes forest from UFO. I am soooo sick and tired of knitting cables and bobbles and popcorns over and over again. It's no doubt going to be a beautiful scarf, but dang it's taking me like years to finish this. I made a yarn subsitution and hence got a smaller gauge and am knitting this entirely on size 4 US needles. BUT I GOT TO FINISH THIS!!!!!
Anyways, thats the comment.
Well, I have UFOs numbering about 15, and I started three new knit alongs this month. No, four. One starts Friday, anyway. I just don't worry about it any more. My big dream is to organize my yarn when my husband finished the pantry room and I get the space where the pantry is now for my yarn. I'd love to win some more sock yarn, as I always have to have a sock in progress, or I get antsy. I have two going right now. Thanks for having a contest! Denise in Hugo
1. STR socks for me
2. Mountain colors socks for me
3. Opal sport socks for my sd2b
4. Toasty toes socks for my sister
5. Painted colors socks for me.
6. miniature sock for sockie.
That's my ufo's and I still have some empty needles so I will be casting on more! I like to change around so I don't get bored with one sock. deb
I posted them to I'm a bit embarrassed post...sorry
I have a few myself, a disney snow white sweater for my DD, a moss st cardi for DD, a cowl, Mobeius, fairisle silk socks, lace scarf, heirloom socks, 3 afghans in progress YIEKS!!!, long sweather, sleeves for another cabled sweater, at least 6 sock WIPS onthe needles 1 awaiting more yarn for, , 2 tanks WIPS, hmm I'm sure theres more I forgot about hising in bags somewhere so believe me your totally NOT alone!
Good Luck!
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